By S.C.A.Rao

Cut Loose,Unplug – cut off yourself from all ties to work,the office,and friends. Cut yourself loose from all these cables.Catch up on the sleep debt.Get up late.Don’t read the e mails or reply them. Don’t take calls from the office or anything work related.Just cut loose and stay that way.Worrying twice about all these things just stresses you more than you were before because guilt feelings marches it’s troops in. And it’s small voices drag you back again to burnout’s playgrounds and pastures.Do that on a single day of each week , preferably the Sabbath , because that’s a total health prescription from the Maker.

Don’t Worry

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When you are here recouping don’t worry about the collapse of your company, or Wall Street. Don’t worry that if you are not returning the office calls you’d lose thousands of dollars of business. This is default reasoning from years of shuffling this routine. Don’t feel the world’s going to cave in. Or that your boss may fire you. Remember the mind often plays russian roulette on itself by and in the ways it always used to think and reason tinker and hanker. But these fears can’t take you out to the slaughterhouse unless you willingly concur.What’s important is when you are renewed by the wells of family life, by your time alone to trim sails and ponder new horizons and harbours your productivity and innovativeness ramps up. Emotionally,physically you might have the energies of ten men than the guy who is engulfed and seduced by the bells and trumpets of the marketplace.


Bring Fun Back

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Let the peals of laughter and small running feet return to the hallways of home and your ears. Get the graffiti board out and hanging on the wall. Ask the kids the darnedst things they would want to do for fun.Take them out to the hills or meadows even out to sea. That should be the first ‘news’ you ought to hear. Serve your mate in bed. Walk into the kids rooms, sit down and talk with them. Then gather them [ have a FAMILY] – all at one table – breakfast and dinner. Check things around the house – fix the roof, your daughter’s dating issues etc etc.The ‘breaking news’ or heartbreaking news is the president of the family [ of a couple of human lives ] is not there in the Chair, not there running the most important government on earth.

Set Family Goals, Set Personal Goals

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Set goals for your family. How do you plan to take them into the next decade? What will the children make of their lives? How are their characters shaping up? Who are they mixing with and how can they be taught to walk harmless as doves but wise as the devils in today’s social mills? Make for personal time to peek onto the horizons ahead, the seasons ahead and put in place navigation panels. Put constructive times, rewarding adventures back into your personal calendar and protect it like you would any personal appointment.And put the greatest government on earth together before hitting the sack.

Last Word

There’s a Creator who says that he set apart Friday sunset to Saturday sunset as spa time [not laze time] for both emotions, energies and goal renewals. He says this time segment is blessed and going against that is pitting ourselves against Him that will finally snap our will to live and sap us off , of our energies.He says ‘CHOOSE!’ which way you’d rather go.Your personal bent, some psychologist’s or the Designer’s and Master Architect of all things. He holds the breathe of all life in His hands.By neglecting this dimension and platform in our lives worries, gnawing fears and marrow chewing anxieties could take us back , return us to burnout’s acupuncture table. Ponder before we ‘go the way of all life’ – worn out, burnt out, bones and shell. The great Creator has neither abandoned us nor orphaned us { Deut 31:8}


About the Author: The writer is a college instructor and has had abundant marketing experience in Asia.Self starting entrepreneurs are the key to the future.He shares some online income and marketing strategies.For more information visit his website at :



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