By Peter Wellington

You may have heard for saying, “fight fire with fire”. The notion may appear absurd on the first hearing but just ask any fire fighting engineer and the day it will tell you that it is absolutely correct.

In the same manner we can fight acid with acid, even though without many sound strange. The kind of acid and talking about here is that common or garden type. I mean every day, household vinegar. For many years people have used vinegar as a cure for acid reflux.

Vinegar, if it is of the correct type has proved to be extremely effective in the battle against acid reflux. What then is the best type of the vinegar to use? Apple is cider vinegar is the five percent acetic acid. To give you have an and idea of what the five percent is, formerly aimed the days when chemicals were used to develop the photographic film one of the chemicals was actually 28 percent acetic acid.


As you can imagine the main disadvantage of drinking vinegar is the smell of and the taste. Drinking it straight from the bottle is not a pleasant gastronomical experience. Indeed a vinegar cure for acid reflux should be consumed in a particular fashion. The vinegar should only be consume with a measure of bicarbonate. Try taking it with baking soda.

Two tablespoons of cider vinegar to half a teaspoon of baking soda will suffice for the cure. This will also reduce any burning sensation in the mouth as you take the acid reflux remedy. The only way to know if it is right for you is to tryit and sees. According to my great grand mother, Vinegar for acid reflux has been consumed in this manner for many years. She swears by it as a cure for acid reflux and as an acid reducing remedy. Granny is not alone in her praise for apple cider vinegar as a cure for acid in the gut; many medical doctors also recommend it to their patients.

If taking the cider, even with the help of the bicarbonate, is too much to bear then maybe you can try eating slices of apple through the day. This may be just enough acid for your own digestive system. We all know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It’ll certainly taste better than cider that’s for sure.

Isn’t Taking a Vinegar Cure for Acid Reflux Counterproductive?

I know that on the face of it taking a dose of acid to reduce your acid doesn’t seem to add up but look at what really happens when your system begins the digestive process. After eating, particularly a meal high in fats, the gut begins to produce an extremely potent acid. When you take a small amount of acid in the form of apple cider vinegar mixed with a small amount of water, your stomach will recognise this as a digestive acid and its own production of gut acid will reduce. In effect, the stomach produces less hydrochloric acid. The vinegar cure for acid reflux is then quite effective.

When attempting to use a vinegar cure for acid reflux insure quality vinegar is used and it is not a 100 percent pure cider vinegar. The label should indicate it is no more than five percent acetic acid and the white is easier to swallow. Mixing it with the baking soda should be done in an open jar or glass, before adding it to water because once the two mix, there will be effervescence and if the container is too full there is the risk of overflow.

About the Author: TREATACID

Peter Wellington writes for

, a website providing a comprehensive archive of

free information and guides on the signs, symtoms and treatment of the painful compliant of acid relux – he answers the common question what is acid reflux?.


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